Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Services in Guayaquil at the Home of Alfredo and Gladys Hernandez

After a leisurely day, including another trip to the iguana park, services were held at the home of Alfredo and Gladys Hernandez. The Mites travelled from their home by bus with three of their children to the center of the city to meet us.We traveled from the hotel La Torre in one taxi, and the Mite family took another. Getting to and from services is cumbersome in Guayaquil. The believers live on the opposite sides of the city. Last night when the services were at Mite's, no one from the other end made it. It takes time, money, and is somewhat dangerous.

Above three pictures: Iguana Park in Guayaquil
Ten people were at the services. The text used was Matthew 13:44: the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a treasure hidden in a field. One must find the treasure, Jesus Christ, the door to the kingdom. One must also sell all and buy the field that the treasure is in. In other words, give up one's own righteousness and beliefs about how one is saved and instead believe as the Scriptures teach, starting with repentance and the forgiveness of sins.

Michael and Matthew Mite
Lucia Rodriguez and Senorita Angelica
Maria Macias
La Senora Cruz
Marianela Mite
After the services the Guayaquil believers Michael Mite and Alfredo Hernandez thanked Walt and Avis for coming to Ecuador to service the congregations here. Michael expressed the hope that the ministers would continue to come and invited Walt and Avis to return. In behalf of the believers of Guayaquil, Michael presented two gifts. One is a plate with a picture of Guayaquil to be hung at the LLC office. The other is a personal gift to the Lampis in appreciation for their work. He later reviewed for the Guayaquil believers some highlights from the Skype meeting with Jon Bloomquist, including the formation of a interim national committee.

Alfredo considered the trip a great sacrifice on the part of Walt and Avis. He felt that both had been able to experience the Ecuadorian culture and were better able to understand the temptations of believers there. He hoped the Lampis would return one day to Quito and continue the work. He also expressed the hope for native speaking translators as he found it difficult to understand some of the translators. He said it is important to be able to hear the Word in one's own native tongue.

Alftredo Hermandez
Both Walt and Avis thanked the believers of Guayaquil. Avis assured them that part of her heart will be left in Ecuador. Walt assured all that the ministers will continue to come to Ecuador.

Walt and Avis

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