The LLC issued cell didn't work so Walt had to buy a new one. We walked downtown.
Avis said "no" to walking up hill to the supermarket. Avis went to work to find everything including pots and pans.
Miguel Santana went with us. It would have been near impossible without him. Not so easy in a city of 2.7 million people plus some munecas. Yup, they were everywhere today.
Munecas are adult size dolls. They usually have the face of a politician. At midnight of the New Year they are burned to help people release their frustrations. We should initiate it in the USA.
Miguel warned us sleep will be difficult because of the noise. Already people are stacking the beer crates on the sidewalks for party time.
Walt and Avis
Interesting tradition for the New Year's. It would be fun to see.