Monday, February 23, 2015

Quito Bible Class and Ice Cream Bars

This evening Bible Class was held again at the Panizo home. Fifteen people were present. Teodoro and his wife were noticeably absent. They are still in Guayaquil. A gas station employee filled his gas tank with diesel so his car is still in Riobamba for repairs and they are lingering in Guayaquil after the Couples Camp.

Before Bible Class started Alex wanted Walt to review this presentation for the weekend on The Believer in Society. He has a short but good presentation. It will probably generate much discussion. The thoughts are clear and they are based on the Bible.

The Bible Class was on the subject of repentance and entering the kingdom of God. The three parts of repentance were studied: Sorrow over sin, absolution or the forgiveness of sin as preached by another person in faith and a change of heart and life. The repentance of King David from 2 Samuel 12 was studied and the students were asked if they could identify the three parts. Walt asked the question "If a person has sorrow for sin and the gospel is preached to them but they continue to live their formal life, has a true repentance taken place?" All agreed that  it is not true repentance.

The example of the sheepfold and shepherd were touched on. Walt asked what if someone comes into our gathering and says he is a believer but hasn't come through the door of repentance and the forgiveness of sin? All understood such a one is not a true believer.

A picture of a sheepfold.
The order of grace was also studied. Based on Romans 10: How can a person who is in unbelief find the living God of whom he knows nothing? Who believes the preaching of the children of God? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by and through the Word. But how shall a person hear without a preacher? How can one preach unless they are sent?

The students were presented with a list of almost ten questions about their own repentance. Four of them follow:

1. Were you searching for God before you met the believers?
2. How did you come to know the believers?
3. What did you think when you heard the first few sermons based on God's Word?
4. What did your friends and family think about your making repentance?

Several persons spoke the psalms of their heart. Some had become ill or lost a loved one and it started them thinking about the most important matter in life. One spoke of how difficult it is to believe. In the end all wanted to be assured with the gospel that the hope of heaven was possible for them as an individual. Some expressed their thanks for coming into faith and for being able to hear the Word of God. Avis related of her own experience in coming into faith. The Bible Class discussion was uplifting.

Piedad verified that repentance includes sorrow and the forgiveness of sin.
Miguel translated and enjoyed a humorous comment.
Anita spoke of her trials and how she had come into faith. She also spoke of those who had once been in faith but had give up but didn't know why.
Avis spoke of her repentance as a teen and how her family was at first alarmed.
It was a good day for us. Our work here is ending in March. We are consolidating the schedule to front load the first half of March which will in turn allow us to return little earlier. That could have been really expensive but persistence and a helpful lady at Delta made it possible.

After Bible Class and on the way back to the apartment Avis noticed that the local barber shop was still open (at about 7:45pm) so we walked over and Walt got a haircut for $2 but with a wink and a smile he gave her $3. As we left the barber shop we almost in unison said to each other "Let's stop for an ice cream bar!" We did. Life is good.

Walt and Avis

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