Services were held at the Panizo home. Eleven persons total were present. The services were opened and closed with a song. The service text was Mark 9:30-37 a text closely related to Shove Sunday, The Sacrificial Way of God's Love. Walt noted the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday and its Old Testament origin. Also noted was Luther's writing on serving. He wrote that the greatest service one can do for his fellow man is to preach the gospel to him. All services and support activities are conducted for that purpose.
Walt related of the recent trip to Riobamba, Salinas, Chiquicha, and Balsapamba. He mentioned that the discussions were held in some places concerning proper music for Christians and accepting children as gifts from God. He also noted that confirmation exercise questions had also been used for discussion and were enjoyed by the believers. "They help us learn" was one comment.
After singing the closing hymn A Mighty Fortress is Our God Walt noted that it was written by Martin Luther at a very difficult time. It contains Luther's belief in God as a defender of His kingdom and an expression of thankfulness that even though temporal possessions had been lost that the kingdom of God still was intact and had the Word.
Walt also related that the believers in Riobamba recognized their temptation with sensual music and suggested that the Ecuadorians consider making their own CD or MP3 application as an alternative to worldly music. The Quito believers were interested in the project. Walt suggested they define their needs to begin with and begin gathering to sing songs. He thought the LLC or SRK would help in whatever way they can. The music for the songs is needed plus someone to play an instrument to accompany the voices.
Also noted was that throughout the history of Christianity the believers have lived in many different cultures. The Christians however have not been able to accept everything that a culture offers. Some things are contrary to God's Word and cannot be accepted in good conscience. Walt noted that in the United States the present culture is to limit the family size to two or less children, to allow abortions and to accept homosexuality and same sex marriages. The believers do not conform with these trends. In Ecuador abortions and homosexuality are considered criminal offenses.
Walt and Avis
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