We continued from Chiquicha to the hacienda La Merced for services, arriving about 7 pm. At first it appeared there would not be many service guests. They, however, continued to come until there were about 80-90 indigenous people. The total, including our core group, pushed it closer to 100.
Walt kept an introductory speech in Spanish welcoming all to the Congregation Days on Saturday and bringing greetings from other Ecuadorian congregations as well as the United States and Canada. He introduced Avis, and the indigenous guests gave her a warm welcome.
Walt gives introductory remarks. |
Walt spoke from Hebrews 12:1-2 after which a communion service followed. Of the 90-100 people, less than 15 partook of communion. It is not known how many of the indigenous believe as
Laestadian Lutherans.
Milton reads the communion rites in Spanish. |
Above three pictures: Various service guests. |
After the services a meal was served to the guests. The food was brought to each person individually. First a bun of bread, then a thin a mix of oatmeal in a cup, followed by a large container of rice and chicken. The number of guests was unexpected, since in the past years attendance has declined. Aino and Avis worked in the kitchen washing dishes.
Avis and Aino assist in the kitchen. |
Service guests patiently await soup and tea on the deck of the
hacienda. It was cold and damp. |
Above four pictures: Service guests and Antti one on one with a indigenous brother. |
We got back to the hotel at 11:30 pm exhausted and cold. Tomorrow will be services at Milton's home and then on Saturday, the Congregation Days.
Walt and Avis
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