Saturday, January 24, 2015

Services in Riobamba at the Milton Martinez Home

We had some time to recuperate from a long Thursday. Evening services were at the home of Milton Martinez. About fifteen people gathered, including a friend of Milton's who was converted in the recent past. His name is Arcangel (archangel) Valdiviezo. He is very outgoing and eager to learn about faith matters.

Antti used one of David's Psalms as a basis for the sermon. After the services, the guests were encouraged to ask questions. One was "What did Avis and Walt think about Ecuador? what were the differences?" Walt mentioned the high level of noise. Ecuador is a very noisy place. It seems like every store has music or advertisements blaring. A question was presented "Is music a temptation for the Ecuadorian believers?" The answer was a resounding "Yes!" Television and radio has brought the provocative side of Western culture to Ecuador. Milton said "We have been damaged by the pop culture of the United States." Milton likes listening to the national or patriotic songs.

After singing the final service song, the Ecuadorians asked that we would sing for them. First we sang "Oh look at the bird on the branch of the tree" in Finnish followed by "There are treasures for children in heaven above" in English.

Antti gave a brief history of Luther. This spawned many questions. "Why are there so many faiths?" "How can I find the right way?" "Is there any sin you can't get forgiveness for?" One comment made was that "The most difficult thing to understand is that a person must be empty (humble).

Edgar Martinez, Antti and Paulus
Milton, Alicia and Teodoro
Adrianna and niece Alison
Tomorrow will be Congregation Days at the hacienda La Merced.

Walt and Avis

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