Friday, March 13, 2015

Bible Class in Riobamba

During the day we made a trip to Chimborazo in Milton's truck. Unfortunately, it was foggy with ice particles pelting us so we couldn't see the top of the mountain.. Walt did get some pictures of the "headstones" which have been placed in memory of each climber who has died while attempting to conquer Chimborazo. There are dozens of them.

Entrance to Chimborazo
One of many headstones of mountain climbers killed while attempting to climb Chimbarozo.
One of a variety of headstones.
Two more of dozens of headstones.
Miguel, Avis and Walt
In the evening, we gathered for a Bible Class lesson on the Ten Virgins, Matthew 25:1-13. We "walked" our way through the verses asking questions on content and then on how it applies to our life of faith. The lamp represents faith. The oil is the Holy Spirit. The bridegroom is Jesus Christ. The bride is the congregation of God.

Eylin and Adriana
Avis, Eylin and Adriana
Walt y su amiga Katherine
Walt and Avis thanked the believers of Riobamba for their support and friendship during the mission trip. Several believers expressed their thoughts about trip and thanked Walt and Avis for their patience, sacrifice, and for opening the Word of God to them though services and discussions. Miguel said it has opened his mind, and he must now think about his life as a believer.

Walt mentioned that he had suggested to Milton to go once per week to the hacienda area and teach a Bible Class lesson to the indigenous people. Even though they are few they need the comfort of the gospel. Milton is willing to do it and suggested he would use the LLC calendar texts as the basis for classes. Edgar said he knows Kechwan and volunteered to help with the lessons.

It is our last time in Riobamba. Tomorrow we will travel to Chiquicha for services and then back to Quito by night fall.

Walt and Avis

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this blog. It was very interesting to read and gave so much insight into the life of Ecuadorean believers. Give greetings from us in Canada to the brothers and sisters there. Have a safe trip back home. God's Peace! Kevin & Valerie Ylioja
