Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Guayaquil Services

We left Riobamba at 10:30am but didn't arrive at our hotel in Guayaquil until 5:30pm. Two police checks, a stop at the Guayaquil vehicle registration office and being lost contributed to the long journey.  We have gotten to know individual "law" enforcement personal quite well and have contributed to their well being. The highlands were cool. Guayaquil is hot and humid.

Services were held at the home of Michael and Marinella Mite. A total of nine people were present at the services. The text we used for our study was 1 Timothy 1:18-20. The topic was to keep faith and a good conscience. Apostle Paul wrote the words to Timothy a young pastor but they apply to every believer and are a key to remaining in the faith.

Marianela and Paul Mite singing the songs of Zion with baby Mia.
After the services the question was asked "What if a person continues to fall into the same sin?" A brief discussion took place on the difference between falling into sin and living in sin. "What if the sin is lying?" Walt noted that lying is a way to preserve one's honor or save face for the time being. Behind lying is some other matter. A person needs to "own" their sin. Yet if a person is sorrowful over sin and asks for forgiveness then we preach the gospel. Each situation needs to be treated on its own.

Mario Michael Mite
Paul (l) and his uncle joint in the singing.
Walt asked Paul what it is like to be a believing youth in Guayaquil. He answered that his friends ask him what faith he is and he answers "Lutheran and we believe in the forgiveness of sin." They have also asked what the basis of the faith is.

Tuesday evening we will have another service in Guayaquil and then start our way back to Riobamba with services on the way in Balsapamba and Salinas.

Walt and Avis

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