Saturday, March 7, 2015

Services in Chiquicha and Table Talk

Milton, Alicia, and Kathrine picked us up at 11 am, and we headed to Chiquicha for afternoon services. It was a leisurely trip, meaning we all had a seat. Gathered for services were Patricio, Sonia and William Martinez, Miguel Santana, Elman, Milton, Alicia and Katherine, Walt and Avis, and the first cousin of Sonia and his family for a total of fourteen. Sonia's cousin and some of his family members repented a few weeks ago.

An outdoor grill was started in preparation for the cooking of pork chops. Avis and Walt took a walk along the valley road in the meantime.

Victor prepares the grill for pork chops.
Services were held with Matthew 4:1-11 as the basis which was on the temptation of Jesus. Miguel translated.

Walt and Miguel await the service guests.
Sonia follows as the text is read.
Patricio, Katherine and William listen to the services.
Service guests: Victor and daughter Monica.
After lunch some of us sat around the table and talked about various things. Walt related of his childhood home and family. His family is really a composite of four different families totaling nine children. He sometimes gives people a riddle when they ask about his family. He says "I am an only child in the family of nine, who am I?"

Walt's mother was married three times. Her first husband died as the result of a mining accident after fourteen months of marriage. The only child was a daughter born after her father died. Walt's father died after only four months of marriage of a cerebral hemorrhage. Walt was born six months later. Walt's mother married a third time to a widower who had four children. So in total from the four families there were nine children, but none were full blood siblings to Walt. So Walt really is an only child. His sister Chris, from the first marriage, can make the same claim.

Avis mother died when she was twenty months old. There were a total of nine children from that marriage. Her father married a widow who had three boys. Between them they had another four children. So Avis comes from a composite family of sixteen, the sum of three families. The Ecuadorians were amazed at the stores.

The believers asked if Walt and Avis had been in faith all their lives. Walt answered that he had. Avis answered that she repented when she was fourteen and has one sister who is a believer.

A question arose as to whether Walt and Avis had experienced difficulties in their married life and if all of their children were believers.  Both Walt and Avis assured all that they have had trials too but that by faith they have been able to endure. One of the greatest sorrows is having a child that gives up faith. The Ecuadorians then wanted to know if Walt and Avis loved all their children the same. They answered yes. They also related of the recent repentance of their daughter and husband after many years in unbelief which has brought great joy to all.

Miguel wanted to know about how courtship is viewed among the believers in the USA. Walt and Avis answered that the believers take courtship seriously. It is the prelude to marriage. It is best to have a courtship that is transparent or open before the congregation. Get to know each other in the presence of other believers and families and at services. Miguel asked about kissing and hugging. Walt answered that the believers warn about physical contact because it so easily leads to sexual contact. People of the world 'date.' It is not done in seriousness.

Miguel asked how Avis and Walt had met. Walt said he moved to Minnesota after college to where Avis lived but had known of her before. He met her at the services one time. He thought she was very beautiful and that someone would be very fortunate to have her as a wife. He didn't know that would eventually be him.

Walt and Avis

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