Sunday, March 15, 2015

Quito - Final Service and Farewell

We spent much of the day resting from our ten day trip. With us are Veronica Ayala and Pamela Martinez.

The communion service started at 5:30 pm at the Panizo home. The text was taken from John 6:41-51. Jesus is the bread of life. No man can come unto Him unless the Father leads him. Living faith and the hope of salvation are gifts.

Approximately twenty people partook of communion. Walt remembered the congregation in prayer to the heavenly Father that each and everyone would be preserved in faith and that God would give them the courage and strength to do the work of the Kingdom in Quito and all of Ecuador.

Walt noted that one of the goals of the trip was to get to know the Ecuadorian culture, trials, and temptations better. Certainly a better understanding has been gained but not a perfect one. He assured the congregation that Jesus Christ who came as a human being and who experienced life as we do perfectly understands the doubts, temptations, joy, and sorrows of each of us.

Anita was thankful for the trip.
Juan expressed his wishes for a speedy return.
Pamela and Veronica were sad to see us go.

Genoveva and her daughter Paty.
L-R: Teodoro, Alex, Piedad and Miguel
Following the services, a farewell supper was served. Alex Panizo then presented Walt and Avis with a picture of the Quito Congregation members as a remembrance. He said that they wanted the Lampis to always remember them and keep them in their prayers. Walt thanked the congregation for the gift and wished all a safe journey to heaven. "If we don't meet in this life anymore, then one day in the glory of heaven we shall meet again."

Avis offered her wishes for God's blessing to the congregation. She stated that she doesn't understand the language but has cone to know the congregation through the Spirit and promised to remember them in pray.

Alex presents a going away gift to Avis and Walt
Teodoro mentioned that the trip meant a lot to the Ecuadorians and repeated Avis' thoughts that even though it is a challenge to understand the language of each other that through the Spirit we have come to know each other.

Teodoro - "The trip meant a lot to us."
It was the last service of the mission trip. Tomorrow Walt and Miguel will make one more trip (the sixth) to the immigration office to try for an extension to Walt's visa which will allow him to return in July for a short mission trip. Tuesday at 11:30 pm, God willing, we will depart Ecuador for the United States.
Walt and Avis

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