Tonight was the final Bible Class in Quito of our three month mission trip. After a song and prayer, we started out by reading a short story entitled Behold I Will Do a New Thing by S. Vuorisalo of Finland. The story has been used at Singles Camps in the United States. It is a personal account of how the expectations of youth to find a perfect husband didn't materialize. Yet the main character, through faith, was able to accept that she would not ever marry or have children.
When on a ten day mission trip in November 2014, Walt inquired as to what topics should be covered during his coming three month mission trip. One of them came in the form of a question "How can believing singles cope in Ecuador?"
Veronica Ayala reads an article which she translated from English to Spanish. |
The story generated much comment. Norma said "Single life is difficult. But with faith and family the difficulties can be overcome." Miguel said "It is most important to stay in faith" but he hopes to be married someday and be able to share life including sorrows and joys with his wife.
Norma stated "Single life is difficult." |
Alex noted that married life is the ideal but warned that youth start off in love but within a short time the love has ended. He urged the youth to study now and prepare for the future. For him, marriage is in the future as now he wants to study. At this time, he feels he could not afford to be married. He felt that respect, humbleness, and faithfulness are needed in marriage. The youth need to trust in God for a spouse.
The class follows along and then discusses the article. |
Piedad stated that the average marriage in Ecuador only last from 2-3 years. Walt noted that youth should not starting courting unless they have the intent to marry. Youth need to pray for a spouse. The world doesn't understand marriage as intended by God and therefore has a carnal approach and understanding of courtship. The world presses the young to have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
The topic of faith and reason entitled
Though Faith We Understand by Keijo Nissila of Finland was presented by Walt. We use faith in our relationship with God and reason in our relationship with our neighbors. Examples of the conflict between faith and reason were taken from the lives of Abraham, Moses, and Mary. Walt noted that one example of the conflict between faith and reason is family size and acceptance of children. He noted that Ecuadorians struggle with this. He gave examples of early Finnish immigrants to Michigan with long winters and poor farming who nevertheless trusted in God and had big families.
The example of Mary, the mother of Jesus |
Walt and Avis
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