Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bible Camp Continues in Guayaquil

We began the day with breakfast at the hotel and then walked to the water front. The tide was out so the river ran swiftly to the sea. The surface was covered with floating plants and debris. The day started off tolerable as far as temperature and humidity goes. By the end of the day, it was intolerable, both hot and very humid.

A river scene near Guayaquil.
The Camp was scheduled to start at 2pm but was delayed for one hour to allow people coming from across the city. There wasn't any heavy rain or thunder today. But there was loud music and noise from the fabrication of steel beams making the presentations a challenge. Add the hot sultry weather, and the challenge to teach and preach was magnified. The Camp was held at the home of Alfredo and Gladys Hernandez. About a dozen people total were present.

Walt presented the topic "What is the kingdom of God?" He began by asking the students to describe the kingdom of God. Some of the answers included: a place of security and peace. Several parts of the Bible were used especially from Matthew and John. The kingdom of God is likened unto a treasure hidden in a field, the kingdom of God is the door to heaven, a heavenly city, a net cast into the sea from which many kinds of fish were caught, a merchant man seeking goodly pearls, a sheepfold, a bird's nest where eggs can safely be laid, a vine and branches, and the pillar and foundation of truth.

Questions/preguntas: "What does the kingdom of God mean to you?"
Question 1: "What does the kingdom of God mean to you?"
Question 2: "What example of the kingdom of God is your favorite? Why?"
Question 3: "What significance do the words "I believe that in this world there is a small holy flock of true believers of which I am part."
Question 4: "What happens if someone see salvation in other faiths?"

Michael Mite presented the topic "The Temptations of Youth." He referenced several texts related to youth.
Michael Mite
Michael's presentation was based on Ecclesiastes 11:9,10 

Antti spoke from Acts 2:42 and Paulus translated.

Walt reads the communion rites in Spanish for the first time.
After the services ended all ate supper prepared by Gladys. It consisted of rice, pork chop, beans, and a soft drink. We then returned "home" to the Hotel Sol de Oriente.

Walt Lampi

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